In Odoo a view is an XML-defined structure that determines how data from models is displayed to the user. Views are essential for creating user interfaces that allow users to interact with the data stored in the models.
Odoo offers several types of views, each suited for different purposes:
Creating a View
To create a view in Odoo 17, you need to define an XML file that specifies the structure and layout of the view. Here’s an example of a simple form view:
<record id="view_example_model_form" model="ir.ui.view">
<field name="name">example.model.form</field>
<field name="model">example.model</field>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<form string="Example Model">
<field name="name"/>
<field name="description"/>
You can customize views in Odoo 17 by adding elements like groups, notebooks, pages, and buttons. Here’s an example of a more detailed form view:
<record id="view_example_model_form" model="ir.ui.view">
<field name="name">example.model.form</field>
<field name="model">example.model</field>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<form string="Example Model">
<field name="name"/>
<field name="description"/>
<page string="Details">
<field name="field1"/>
<field name="field2"/>
<page string="Settings">
<field name="field3"/>
<field name="field4"/>
Views in Odoo 17 are crucial for defining how users interact with data. By understanding and leveraging different types of views, you can create intuitive and efficient user interfaces that enhance the overall user experience.